Conversation at Dinner

From Too Old to Die Young (Dredger’s Lane Press, 2015)

This conversation with my four youngest children occured October 1, 2010 at 8:19 pm, in a Mexican restaurant in Hingham, Massachusetts, with their mother absent. Cast of characters: Me; daughter Savannah, 14; sons Jack, 8; Travis, 7; and Charley, 5.

Travis and Charley

JACK: Do you know my music teacher?

ME: Alas, I do not.

JACK: Do you know what record he has in the music room?

ME: Again, you have stumped the panel.

JACK: It’s by someone you like.

ME: Bob Dylan?

JACK: No, this person was killed.

ME: Johnny Ace? Bobby Fuller? Was it an accident? Buddy Holly maybe?

JACK: No. Here’s a clue – Thank you. Thank you very much.

ME: Elvis?

SAVANNAH: Elvis wasn’t killed. He just died.

TRAVIS: He died on the potty.

ME: Yes, Travvy. And what was he reading?

TRAVIS: A magazine?

JACK: A comic book?

ME: It was a book called The Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus. Remember that.

JACK: Good to know.

CHARLEY: Can I have more chips?